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Special Guest Seminar - fall-2024

Earth Science in the Energy Transition: Tackling the Dual Challenges of Heterogeneity and Low-Cost Measurements

Sept. 27, 2024
11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
3853 Slichter Hall

Presented By:

  • Dr. Tushar Mittal - Pennsylvania State University
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Abstract: Several critical technologies associated with the Energy Transition and climate change mitigation, such as Geologic and Marine Carbon sequestration, Hydrogen generation, critical mineral discovery, and geothermal, rely on an accurate understanding of geological and geochemical processes. For instance, multiple subsurface technologies require effective permeability control through subsurface fracture networks to optimize fluid-rock interaction across a diverse set of temperature, stress, and material conditions. However, to rapidly scale these technologies to the required commercial scales, we need a good predictive, real-world applicable model for optimization and feasibility analysis. This model, in turn, requires addressing the challenges posed by the spatial heterogeneity in natural geologic systems. In this talk, I will introduce two case studies to illustrate this concept and approaches my group is developing for these problems : (a) Rheology/Constitutive model for fractured rocks across the brittle-ductile transition (Geothermal), (b) Basalt mineralization - scaling from lab scale measurements of reaction rate data to field-scale lava flows (Carbon Capture & Storage, relevant for hydrogen generation also). In addition to theory development, we need low-cost measurements of geophysical and geochemical properties that can be used to validate the models and/or provide near real-time control system feedback. Due to the natural heterogeneity, the traditional approach of making a few very precise and expensive measurements isn't sufficient. Following the case studies described above, I will describe a new data fusion approach we are developing that combines fast & cheap methods (e.g., hyperspectral imaging; seismo-acoustic data) with various measurement methods (handheld XRF, LIBS, LA-ICP-MS) that are sequentially restricted to smaller sample sets. Overall, my work highlights the need to incorporate real geologic heterogeneity when considering various new technologies, as well as the opportunity to leverage the expertise in Earth Science for these systems built upon decades-centuries of observations. Bio: Assistant Professor in the Geoscience Department at Penn State. Ph.D., UC Berkeley in Spring 2020; Crosby Postdoc Fellow at MIT from 2020-2022. Research Focus: (A) Volcano Science (Modeling magmatic processes and Submarine volcanism), (B) Planetary geophysics (Planet formation and geodynamics, Planetary science), and (C) Volcano/tectonic-climate interactions (Understanding the impact of solid Earth process on the ocean-atmosphere system across a range of timescales - months to Myr), (D) Geofluids & Geomechanics (Understanding rock rheology and fluid-rock reactions on a micro-scale and developing thermodynamically consistent upscaled models; using seismic information in the lab & field to investigate processes in real-time for detailed process understanding), (E) Earth science knowledge for various applications related to energy transition - geothermal energy (especially enhanced geothermal systems at high temperatures), critical mineral discovery (Li, REE, Copper), geologic carbon sequestration (enhanced rock weathering, basalt carbon sequestration), and hydrogen production (reactive transport). Development of new geophysical and geochemical characterization methods (and associated data processing tools) - e.g., hyperspectral imaging, acoustics, and LIDAR that can be applied at scale, both in terms of the number of samples as well as the spatial coverage, cost-effectively and rapidly in field settings. Please sign up using the link below to meet with the speaker. Link:

Compound electron acceleration at Earth's foreshock

Sept. 27, 2024
3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
3853 Slichter Hall

Presented By:

  • Dr. Xiaofei Shi - UCLA, EPSS
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Shock waves, the interface of supersonic and subsonic plasma flows, are the primary region for charged particle acceleration in multiple space plasma systems, including Earth's bow shock, which is readily accessible for in-situ measurements. Spacecraft frequently observe relativistic electron populations within this region, characterized by energy levels surpassing those of solar wind electrons by a factor of 10,000 or more. However, mechanisms of such strong acceleration remain elusive. Using observations of electrons with energies up to 200 keV and a data-constrained model, here we reproduce the observed power-law electron spectrum, E^-4, and demonstrate that the acceleration by more than 4 orders of magnitude is a compound process including a complex, multi-step interaction between more commonly known mechanisms and resonant scattering by several distinct plasma wave modes. The proposed model of electron acceleration addresses a decades-long issue of the generation of energetic (and relativistic) electrons at planetary plasma shocks.

Magnetic fields and tides of stars, planets and moons

Oct. 11, 2024
noon - 1 p.m.
Geology 3814

Presented By:

  • Prof. Xing Wei - Beijing Normal University (BNU)
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Magnetic fields and tides are of importance for celestial bodies. In the first part of this seminar, I will discuss where to find exomoons. In the second part, I will discuss dynamos in stars, planets, and planetesimals. In the third part, I will discuss tidal heating, tidal wave resonance and transmission, and magnetic effect on tides. Finally, I will discuss disk instability for planet formation.

Geological Carbon Sequestration Landscape & Geoscience Advances

Oct. 25, 2024
noon - 1 p.m.
Slichter 3853

Presented By:

  • Dr. Ali Tura - Colorado School of Mines (CSM)
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Carbon Capture Utilization and Sequestration (CCUS) is a rapidly evolving area of growth for the geosciences. There are clear challenges and opportunities in this area. This presentation discusses these challenges and opportunities and what role subsurface technologies play in the future development of this field. Recent financial incentives by governments and states have led to a substantial growth in CCUS projects and formation of a new industry. In these early stages, projects are still slow to get implemented at gigaton scales. I first go over the changes in the economics of these projects and status of growth of this field. Next, I focus on development and advances of technologies for CCUS. We are in the process of adapting existing tools to CCUS use and generating new advances specific to CCUS challenges around well permit requirements, managing risks, cost effectiveness, and long-term monitoring and verification. With the growth of new projects being implemented, our learnings specific to managing CCUS are rapidly increasing.