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Planetary Science Seminar - spring-2012

A Heterogeneous Solar Nebula As Sampled by CM Hibonite

April 5, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
Slichter 3853

Presented By:

  • Ming-Chang Liu - Institute of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Academia Sinica, Taipei
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Vesta and Extensively Melted Asteroids: Why HED Meteorites Are Probably Not From Vesta

April 12, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
4677 Geology

Presented By:

  • John Wasson - UCLA
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Close Asteroid-Earth Encounters: The Cases of 2006 YU5 and 1950 DA

April 19, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
Geology 4677

Presented By:

  • Michael Busch - UCLA
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Laboratory and Diviner Bidirectional Reflectance/ Interpreting LRO Diviner

April 26, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
4677 Geology

Presented By:

  • Emily Foote - UCLA
  • Jean-Pierre Williams - UCLA
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Full title: Laboratory and Diviner Bidirectional Reflectance Measurements of Apollo Soils / Interpreting LRO Diviner observations of fine-scale lunar surface thermal variability

Small Asteroid Evolution

May 3, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
4677 Geology

Presented By:

  • Seth Jacobson - UC Boulder
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Small asteroids (< 10 km) can evolve into all classes of observed near-Earth asteroid (NEA) binaries as well as observed, non-collisional families of asteroids. Solar radiation is the primary driver of this evolution. The YORP effect, an effective torque driven by solar and thermal radiation, can rotationally accelerate asteroids towards the a rotational disruption speed limit, where the gravitational accelerations holding the body together are overcome by the centrifugal accelerations pulling the body apart. There is a specific speed at which two coherent sections of the steroid may go into orbit about each other. From this rotational fission event, a chaotic binary system is created and will evolve according to spin-orbit interactions, solar gravitational tides, the YORP effect, mutual body tides, and once a member of the binary is tidally locked,the binary YORP effect. Which of these forces is dominant will determine the evolutionary path of the asteroid system and what observable, long term state it will occupy, including the doubly synchronous binaries, singly synchronous binaries, asynchronous binaries, contact binaries, asteroid pairs or more exotic classes.

The Geology of Vesta: Much More Than Crater Counting/Searching for Volatiles on Vesta with Radar

May 10, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
4677 Geology

Presented By:

  • Liz Palmer - UCLA
  • Jennifer Scully - UCLA
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Spatial and Temporal Relationships of Landslides I Valles Marineris/Heat Flow in the Earth

May 17, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
4677 Geology

Presented By:

  • Jessica Watkins - UCLA
  • Emma Rainey - UCLA
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Full title: Spatial and Temporal Relationships of Landslides in Valles Marineris, Mars: Constraints on their Triggering Mechanisms". / heat flow in the Earth and the thermal conductivity of the mantle.

Rosetta at Comet 67 P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko: A Journey to the Dawn of the Solar System

May 24, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
4677 Geology

Presented By:

  • Claudia Alexander - JPL
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Yarkovsky Drift and Near-Earth Asteroid/Are Jovian Trojans Salty?

May 31, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
4677 Geology

Presented By:

  • Bin Yang - University of Hawai'i
  • Sebastiano Padovan - UCLA
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Ice on Europa/Librations in a Spheroid

June 7, 2012
noon - 1 p.m.
Geology 4677

Presented By:

  • Matt Walker - UCLA
  • Alex Grannan - UCLA
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