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The Geochemistry program offers study in biogeochemistry, cosmochemistry, crystal chemistry, experimental petrology, isotopic studies of stable and radioactive elements, marine geochemistry, meteorite research, planetology, and lunar geochemistry. Many of our faculty are interdisciplinary in their research. These faculty below have research interests in the disciplines covered in our graduate program in Geochemistry. Although our Geochemistry emeriti faculty do not directly advise graduate students, they provide a valuable resource in student research.
Program Admission Requirements (Grad Division Site)

Faculty In Geochemistry

Name Title Email
Mark Harrison Professor Emeritus & Distinguished Research Professor
Abby Kavner Professor
Craig Manning Distinguished Professor & Associate Dean for Academic Personnel
Kevin Mckeegan Professor Emeritus & Distinguished Research Professor
Seul Gi Moon Associate Professor
Edwin Schauble Professor
Ulrike Seibt Professor
Lars Stixrude Professor
Tina Treude Professor
Aradhna E. Tripati Professor
Edward Young Professor